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Governor Hogan Announces Non-Partisan Citizen Commission To Restore Fairness To Maryland Redistricting​

Earlier today, Governor Hogan announced a new non-partisan citizen commission to remove partisan politics from redistricting and restore fairness and trust in the process.

Maryland has some of the most partisan gerrymandered districts in the country. Former Governor Martin O’Malley even admitted under oath that he drew them to “create a district where the people would be more likely to elect a Democrat than a Republican.” This unfair system also dramatically underrepresents black voters.

For the past six years, Governor Hogan has introduced the Redistricting Reform Act to stop partisan politicians from drawing district lines. Despite the overwhelming support of Marylanders across the political spectrum, partisan politicians in the legislature have refused to even give this common sense bill a vote.

Last year, Virginia voters overwhelmingly approved non-partisan redistricting reform. Governor Hogan’s latest action breathes new life into the bipartisan and grassroots effort to bring these reforms to Maryland and to make sure that voters pick the politicians, not the other way around.